217-POLI Raise the Stakes for Smokefree Air Casinos

Thursday, August 16, 2012: 10:30 AM-11:45 AM
1501B (Kansas City Convention Center)
10:30 AM
Raise the Stakes and Double Down for Smokefree Air Casinos
Ms. Char Day, AA, American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation; Ms. Cynthia Hallett, MPH, American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation
11:00 AM
Pros and cons of innovative approaches to Smoke-free tribal Casinos
Ms. Narinder Dhaliwal, BA, MA, ETR Associates; Dr. Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH, Unidos por la Salud, National Latino Tobacco Control Network (NLTCN), University of Southern California; Dr. Roland Moore, PhD, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation; Dr. Francisco Buchting, PhD, ETR Associates; Dr. Juliet Lee, PhD, Prevention Research Center