Cigar Regulation Strategies

Thursday, August 16, 2012: 2:20 PM
1501B (Kansas City Convention Center)
Rita Turner, J.D. , UMD Law, Baltimore, MD

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Audience members will be able to assess which strategies in cigar regulations are best suited for their jurisdictions. They will have the opportunity to ask questions about resource allocation, legal strategies, and legislative efforts to reduce youth cigar use.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Tobacco Regulation and Tobacco Control Policies

Audience: Local and state health officials, policymakers, and tobacco control advocates interested in reducing youth cigar use.

Key Points: Maryland has two jurisdictions that have banned the sale of single cigars.   Both regulations are being challenged in court.  The outcome of these cases will play a major role in the development ofl strategies across the country to reduce youth use of single and flavored cigars.   Additionally, the Maryland state health department has launched on innovative counter-marketing campaign to educate consumers and policymakers about the dangers and prevalence of youth cigar use.  These practices will be examined in light of similar progress in other jurisdictions such as flavored cigar bans and marketing restrictions.  Audience members will be able to use this information to form strategies suitable for their own locale.

Educational Experience:  Audience members will learn about cigar packaging regulations in Maryland and resulting litigation, counter-marketing strategies, and attempts to ban flavored cigars. 

Benefits: Audience members will be able to assess which strategies in cigar regulations are best suited for their jurisdictions.  They will have the opportunity to ask questions about resource allocation, legal strategies, and legislative efforts to reduce youth cigar use.