393 4-H Tobacco Goes Tech: Integrating Video into Healthy Lifestyles Education

Thursday, August 16, 2012
Exhibit Hall (Kansas City Convention Center)
Mr. Shane Potter, M.S. , 4-H Youth Development, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Mrs. Tracy Pracheil, M.A. , 4-H Youth Development, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Recognize how youth benefit from integrating digital video storytelling into healthy lifestyles educational opportunities.
  2. Recognize the stages of digital video storytelling development, including preproduction and story planning, production, postproduction, and distribution.
  3. Identify the supplies and resources necessary for teaching healthy lifestyles education and digital video storytelling development.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Communications and Media and Tobacco Industry

Audience: Information shared throughout this session is targeted toward participants who are interested in developing a skill set related to integration of tobacco education and the digital video production process.  The program is for anyone working with youth tobacco education or simply wants to learn more about basic video development for their program.

Key Points: The 4-H Tobacco Goes Tech initiative engages youth, volunteers, and staff by focusing on the integration of technology into tobacco education.  The initiative focuses on lowering the trial and usage of tobacco by engaging middle and high school youth in the research, development, and implementation of multimedia tobacco free efforts.  The application of the multimedia technology helps youth gain a fuller understanding of the role that technology and the media play in influencing their choices. The marketing used by the tobacco companies is a key aspect of the tobacco education program.  Incorporating both business perspectives and science aspects into learning experiences gives youth a more complete picture of the influence tobacco can have on their lives. 

Educational Experience: The audience will have the opportunity to learn about the program through hands-on experiments.  The group will try out some of the techniques discussed in the training and learn best practices for integrating technology into their program. 

Benefits: By completing the various activities designed for youth, participants in this session will receive first-hand digital video storytelling experience and will develop an implementation plan for the utilization of digital video storytelling in a local programming environment.