1-DOC Documentary Film Screening: Addiction Incorporated

Wednesday, August 15, 2012: 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
2501 ABC (Kansas City Convention Center)
Summary: NCTOH and the Missouri Foundation for Health are proud to present a screening of the documentary film “Addiction Incorporated” – the true story of research scientist Victor DeNoble who in the 1980s was tasked by a major tobacco company to invent a safer form of nicotine that would decrease the danger of heart failure while remaining just as addictive (so smokers could live, and smoke, longer). DeNoble succeeded but in doing so inadvertently created indisputable evidence that nicotine was addictive – a fact the tobacco companies had long denied. His position was terminated, his lab was closed, and his groundbreaking research was buried in the vaults and kept from the public until he broke his confidentiality agreement and became the ultimate whistleblower. If you think you know everything there is to know about cigarettes and nicotine, ADDICTION INCORPORATED will startle you with its vital, previously undisclosed information. The movie includes interviews with a number of tobacco control leaders and NCTOH speakers including Greg Connolly, Clifford Douglas, Matt Myers, and Mitch Zeller. Following the screening there will be a discussion and Q&A period with the Victor DeNoble, Charlie Evans, director and executive producer Charmaine Parcero moderated by Mitch Zeller. Join us for popcorn, soda, light snacks and a great networking opportunity!
Mitch Zeller, JD