206-EVAL Evaluating Personal Policy

Thursday, August 16, 2012: 10:30 AM-11:45 AM
2503B (Kansas City Convention Center)
10:30 AM
Innovations in Evaluation of the Health/Social/Cost Impact of MUH Policies
Ms. Linda Aragon, MPH, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health; Dr. Mark Weber, PhD, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health; Dr. Robin Soler, PhD, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
11:00 AM
Smoke-Free Rules and Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Homes and Vehicles
Brian King, PhD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Dr. Shanta Dube, PhD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; David Homa, PhD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention