123-REG Endgames for Tobacco Control: Radical or Visionary or Both?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012: 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
1501C (Kansas City Convention Center)
Mr. Bob Doyle, BS Marketing-Advertising
3:00 PM
New Endgames for Tobacco: Radical, Visionary, or Both?
Prof. Robert N. Proctor, PhD, Stanford University; Dr. Cheryl Healton, Dr.P.H., American Legacy Foundation; Dr. Ruth Malone, RN, PhD, University of California, San Francisco; Mr. Bob Doyle, BS Marketing-Advertising, Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention Alliance
3:20 PM
Non-Addictive Cigarettes: A Regulatory Pathway to a Smoke-Free Society
Mr. Mark Gottlieb, JD, Public Health Advocacy Institute; Prof. Richard Daynard, PhD, JD, Public Health Advocacy Institute
See more of: Tobacco Regulation