Marketing & Counter Marketing: Keeping Up with the Tobacco Industry

Thursday, August 16, 2012: 2:00 PM
2502B (Kansas City Convention Center)
Dr. Kurt Ribisl, PhD , Department of Health Behavior & Health Education, Gillings School of Global Public Health, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Ms. Lissy Friedman, JD , Northeastern University School of Law, Public Health Advocacy Institute, Boston, MA
Amanda Mortensen, BA , No Limits, Lincoln, NE
Mr. Mark Gottlieb, JD , Northeastern University School of Law, Public Health Advocacy Institute, Boston, MA

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Describe the methods used by the tobacco industry to market to youth.
  2. Explain how an advocate can monitor tobacco industry marketing and new product launches.
  3. Understand the extent of tobacco industry sponsorship of prevention/cessation efforts.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Tobacco Industry and Communications and Media

Audience: Youth advocates and adult coordinators who work with youth advocates.

Key Points:

  • The tobacco industry is constantly marketing tobacco products in new ways.
  • Advocates should monitor marketing strategies and new product development to counter Big Tobacco’s marketing efforts.
  • Advocates should be well versed in the corporate social responsibility efforts utilized by the tobacco industry.

Educational Experience:

  • This session will educate attendees about existing resources that can help advocates stay on top of the latest industry tactics, such as "Counter Tobacco". Attendees will also learn about the corporate social responsibility programs utilized by the tobacco industry and what advocates can do to counter the industry’s tactics.

Benefits: Participants in this session will be better equipped to stay one step ahead of the tobacco industry. They will also learn how to develop interesting and effective counter marketing initiatives that truly engage youth advocates.