Revitalizing the Movement Through Strategic Partnerships

Friday, August 17, 2012: 9:45 AM
2505 AB (Kansas City Convention Center)
Jeff Soukup, BS , Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Tobacco Free Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Russ Sciandra, MA , American Cancer Society, Stottville, NY
Cindy Jeffrey, Executive Director , Health Education Inc., Lincoln
Dr. Jeffrey Willett, PhD , Kansas Health Foundation, Wichita, KS

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Discuss the role of health departments, voluntaries and advocates in furthering and energizing the tobacco control movement
  2. Discuss sustaining funds, protecting media campaigns, and advancing and protecting policy campaigns
  3. Describe the difference between lobbying and education

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Tobacco Control Policies

Audience: Tobacco control advocates and others at all levels of experience

Key Points: Strategic partnerships are key in revitalizing the movement

Educational Experience: Audience and presenters will discuss the roles of advocates, health departments and voluntaries in: sustaining program funds, protecting media campaigns, and advancing and protecting policy campaigns. 

Benefits: In all three exampls integrate importance of advocacy and difference between lobbying and education as well as understanding legal landscape and role of legal strategy (when and how)