The Retail Environment - Final Frontier: Industry Tactics and Policy Approaches

Wednesday, August 15, 2012: 3:00 PM
1501A (Kansas City Convention Center)
Carol Schmitt, Ph.D. , Public Health Policy Research Program, RTI, International, Research Triangle Park, NC
Bill Hall, Business Owner , Modoc County
Ms. Catherine Mongeon, JD , Public Health Law & Policy, Oakland, CA

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Identify how tobacco industry promotional practices influence the retail environment and increase access to tobacco and exposure to tobacco advertising and promotions
  2. Evaluate state and local policy approaches in the retail environment to complement the federal Tobacco Control Act, and assess the legal feasibility of the various policy approaches
  3. Build upon the lessons learned by a local government that has adopted and implemented progressive tobacco control policies in the retail environment and understand tobacco industry influence in the retail environment, as described by a small business owner

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Legal Issues and Tobacco Regulation

Audience: Individuals at all levels of experience

Key Points: Data on the retail environment; legal issues; local government/health department representative to discuss implementation of selected retail policies; and retailer perspective

Educational Experience: Overview of the tobacc retail environment; tobacco industry promotional practices and expenditures in retail environment; public and policy-maker support for policie in RE; Assessing/estimating the impact of proposed interventions in RE - lives saved, prevalence, youth initiation.

Brief overview of existing laws affecting retail environment; Overview of state/local policy options in retail environment, including discussion of legal feasibility for various options (yellow/green light distinction for cutting edge policies v. legally tested policies); Current law suits and potential impact

Possible modes of enactment: city council, state legislatures, boards of health, other agencies (finance, consumer affairs, licensing); how to “sell” these policies to elected, policy-makers; avoiding suits and preparing to be sued

Retailer perspective: A businessman will provide the perspective of a retailer to illuminate the presence of the tobacco industry in the retail environment and the effect of tobacco control laws on business

Benefits: Q&A: 10~30 minutes