289 Call it Quits: Using Phone Apps as Cessation Tools

Thursday, August 16, 2012
Exhibit Hall (Kansas City Convention Center)
Ms. Mary Ehlert, MS, ABC , Bureau of Tobacco and Chronic Disease, Arizona Department of Health Services, Phoenix, AZ

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. The learner will be able to demonstrate the Call it Quit app in terms of creating a new account, setting goals, reaching milestones, stopping cravings and connecting directly to the Arizona Smokers' Helpline. In addition, learners will be able to explain how the Call it Quit app differs from current apps as it is multidimensional, compressive and user friendly.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Cessation and Communications and Media

Audience: Arizona ranks 7th among all states for current adult smokers. As of 2010, approximately 16% of adults in Arizona currently smoke cigarettes. The Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Tobacco and Chronic Disease, has developed a one-of-a-kind application to assist current smokers with their efforts at quitting. With the success ADHS BTCD has had in reducing prevalence, there is always an effort to increase reach in terms of untapped populations. This app allows for ADHS BTCD to reach younger more tech-savvy tobacco users. Audience members working in cessation in outreach, health education or at quitlines would benefit.

Key Points: To help kick cravings, developers have designed unique functionality that provides tips to application users, connects them with others who are trying to quit as well as professional assistance via the Arizona Smokers’ Helpline, and tracks smokers’ progress. Users can create goals, reach milestones and support other app users.

Educational Experience: Presenters will walk attendees through the smoking continuum, demonstrating the thought processes that shaped the development of the “Call it Quits” smartphone application. Moreover, existing quit applications will be reviewed to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses that were further considered.

Benefits: Session participants will be able to identify growing trends in smartphone applications and understand how companies are leveraging this growth to engage their target audiences. Additionally, presenters will explain project key performance indicators, providing attendees with the knowledge/tools that marketers use to measure the success of such efforts.