Newly Revised! “Fundamentals of Smokefree Laws”: Best Practices/Lessons Learned

Friday, August 17, 2012: 12:00 AM
2201 (Kansas City Convention Center)
Mr. Dan Carrigan, BA , Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, Berkeley, CA
Ms. Cathy Callaway, BS , American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Washington, DC
Maggie Mahoney, JD , Tobacco Control Legal Consortium, St Paul, MN

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Participants will be able to identify three up-to-date best practices when advancing smokefree laws at the local or state level.
  2. Participants will be able to describe three key strategies to build power for long-term success in smokefree campaigns.
  3. Participants will be able to recognize and articulate new-and-improved ways of determining "dealbreakers" when advancing smokefree laws.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Tobacco Control Movement – Skills Building and Increasing Diversity/Eliminating Disparities

Audience: Organizations and individuals who are planning or coordinating campaigns for smokefree laws for workplaces, outdoors, or combined initiatives for healthy communities will benefit from these essential guidelines,  designed for experience levels ranging from limited to extensive experience in tobacco control.

Key Points: The updated 2012 Fundamentals document, endorsed by 12 National Organizations, contains guiding principles for developing, enacting, and implementing effective smokefree laws that protect people from deadly secondhand smoke.  These recommendations are based on several decades of experience and lessons learned by tobacco control advocates throughout the country, and have been distilled into a set of best practices for creating effective smokefree laws.  Weak, ineffective smokefree laws that fail to meet the principles outlined in the Fundamentals can prevent us from reaching our long-term smokefree objectives.

Educational Experience: Experts with over 40 years of tobacco control experience will engage participants in an interactive dialogue.  Participants will learn about the latest fundamental smokefree principles, the importance of dealbreakers, using campaigns to address diversity concepts, legal issues, and the most up-to-date information on smokefree strategies for 2012 and beyond.

Benefits: Smokefree laws protect people from secondhand tobacco smoke, create healthier communities, and create a social norm where the public expects smokefree environments.  Our shared objective is NOT simply to “get a law passed,” but  to create a lasting change in attitudes and social norms around smoking and the deadly effects of secondhand smoke.