287 ASHLine: Immediate Call-to-Action Motivates Tobacco Users to Quit

Thursday, August 16, 2012
Exhibit Hall (Kansas City Convention Center)
Ms. Mary Ehlert, MS, ABC , Bureau of Tobacco and Chronic Disease, Arizona Department of Health Services, Phoenix, AZ

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. The learner will be able to identify key message points that can motivate and mobilize the target demographic. Additionally, the learner will be able to describe how to develop an award winning successful media campaign utilizing a limited budget, target media buys and no hired actors/extras.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Communications and Media and Cessation

Audience: Attendees with backgrounds in marketing, communication professionals and quitlines would benefit. The primary focus of the campaign was strategic placement utilizing key messaging to enact a behavior change. This theme resonates throughout public health messaging as it is often difficult to reach an intended audience with competing and contradicting messages. A specific call-to-action increased calls from

Key Points: Immediate call-to-action aimed at specific demographic (35-64 year olds of low SES status) in targeted communities with limited media amplifies the message and delivers it to the intended audience. A campaign does not have to have a large budget or canvas an entire community to reach the intended target. Targeted messaging resulted in an increase of 327 percent month for month over the prior year’s calls. In addition, enrollment increased 250 percent per month.

Educational Experience: The audience will learn how to determine the message that will not only resonate with their targeted demographic but mobilize them, develop or incorporate a call-to-action and utilize resources available to them that will help reduce costs. $60,000 in production costs was saved utilizing a singular location, writing scripts in-house and utilizing staff as extras and talent.

Benefits: The audience will benefit by seeing how a different approach is sometimes needed to reach the intended audience as traditional messaging can become stagnant and ineffective in terms of approach and execution. Earned media efforts for the campaign gleaned more than 4 million impressions statewide with a straight advertising value of more than $99,000 and a public relations value of just over $297,000.