Recipe for Success: Tribal, Local, and State Partnership

Wednesday, August 15, 2012: 3:00 PM
2505B (Kansas City Convention Center)
Ms. Andie Chan, MPH, CHES, BBA , Center of the Advancement of Wellness, Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma City, OK
Ms. Carol Choate, MS, RN , Cherokee County Health Services Coalition, Tahlequah, OK
Ms. June Maher, MHA, BS , Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, OK
Ms. Lu McCraw, MPH, CHES , Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, OK
Ms. Louise Micolites, BSED , Community Development Service, Turning Point, Oklahoma State Department of Health, Tahlequah, OK

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Describe 3 benefits on the collaboration between tribal, local, and state.
  2. State 3 strategies to establish strong partnership between tribal, local, and state.
  3. Identify at least 3 important elements in establishing strong partnership between tribal, local, and state.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Tobacco Control Policies and Tobacco Control Movement – Skills Building

Audience: Tobacco control professionals and coalitions at multiple levels (national, state, and local) and tribal nations who would like to enhance the impact of their tobacco control efforts.

Key Points: Presentation highlights lessons learned on building a strong partnership between a tribal nation, a local tobacco control program, and the state health department to address tobacco issues in Oklahoma. Presenters representing each entity below will share the:

  • Role and strategies taken by the state health department to mobilize a local coalition in embracing diversity;
  • Role and strategies taken by the local tobacco control program to establish and maintain a strong partnership with the tribal nation (featuring the Cherokee Nation);
  • Cherokee Nation’s background information, role, and perspectives on this state and local program partnership;
  • Successful partnership outcomes; and
  • Crucial elements in this strong partnership (e.g. the sum is greater than the parts).

The key points are collective experience of the presenters who are involved in this partnership. The presentation conclusion is derived from the common themes expressed by all authors and other key informants.  

Educational Experience: PowerPoint slides and handouts will be utilized. Audience participation on their own experiences is encouraged to enhance group learning.

Benefits: Tribal, local, and state partnership can create synergistic effects in addressing tobacco use and health disparities. The audience will hear field experiences from the three entities themselves about the recipe for success that leads to their strong partnership. Lessons learned from this presentation may be applied to other public health issues.