31 Assessing Hospital Tobacco Cessation Programs for Employees and Patients

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Exhibit Hall (Kansas City Convention Center)
Dr. Melva Fager Okun, DrPH , NC Prevention Partners, Chapel Hill, NC

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this presentation attendees will be able to:

  1. Describe the key components of comprehensive tobacco cessation programs for hospital employees and patients. State the steps of establishing a comprehensive system approach to tobacco cessation.

Cross Cutting Program Area(s): Tobacco Control Policies


The target audience is professionals working in tobacco cessation in healthcare or other organizations.

Key Points:

The presentation will describe NC Prevention Partners (NCPP) work with all 125 North Carolina hospitals to enhance their tobacco cessation programs for both employees and patients, and the development of two unique web-based executive-level planning tools to help facilitate systems change within healthcare organizations. The WorkHealthy AmericaSM Tobacco (WHA-T) module helps employers implement a comprehensive plan to help employees quit. For hospitals, the Patient Quit Tobacco System (PQTS) looks at how the hospital as a system helps inpatients quit tobacco. Both are designed to assess, enhance, and evaluate policies and protocols used to facilitate tobacco cessation. The WHA-T and PQTS are evidence-based tools that begin with an assessment that determines a baseline grade, generate high-level recommendations and an action plan with short and long-term strategies, and a toolbox of resources for how to achieve the top level recommendations efficiently and effectively.

Educational Experience:

Participants will learn how to develop a system approach to achieve comprehensive tobacco cessation programs for patients and employees through lecture, best practices, and case studies.


Through implementation of robust tobacco cessation programs for employees and patients, hospitals lead in their communities through example which translates to community health centers, outpatient facilities, and other healthcare organizations.